.. _user_management: .. index:: User Administration ******************* User Administration ******************* To properly manage the system, there is a need to maintain security by levels. Letting each user access relevant data and not otherwise. This part of the system is used to define, edit and delete various system access levels and the users who can access those levels. The following section provides the way to create these roles and assign each role with what it can access. If one opts for add new, the following interface occurs .. index:: System Roles System Roles ============ The first thing is to create the roles which define what can be done on which data. An example of these could be data clerks, data managers, etc. This is so that whoever comes later is only assigned to the existing roles. .. _fig23: .. figure:: _static/edituserrole.png :align: center .. centered:: **fig 23: Interface for editing user role.** It starts with the kind of forms which a person can access in the system. Use the left ← and → right arrows to move what you want to. The list below consists of the functionalities that one is allowed to do/perform. Again, use arrows to move whatever you want to use. .. index:: System Users System Users ============ After the user role is created, then users who will belong to that role have to be created as well. Suppose we created data entry role, then each new user coming is to be allocated which role will they take. The following is the interface for the new user registration .. _fig24: .. figure:: _static/availableuser.png :align: center .. centered:: **fig 24: Interface displaying available system users.** Using options available on the interface you can add new users, edit user details or delete a specific user from the system.